So I'm smack dab in the midst of January and I've been so busy reading other blogs that I've somehow neglected to keep up with mine. Seems fitting to talk about my food resolutions for the New Year here, but let's face it - writing a cookbook has proven to be quite the struggle with weight loss. So this year I'm going to take on a new Mantra - Get Out. Find Out. Hang Out.
You may be a food-wise consumer and you're on top of all the latest and greatest about health and nutrition. Or you may be wanting to learn more because life is throwing you some curve balls and those curves are not working with your new skinny jeans. Maybe you just made a resolution to be more informed about what your eating. Whatever your flavor is, here are some common-sense ideas that I'm using to guide me through this New Year that may help you too.
Get Out. Know where your food comes from. Okay, so I don't mean to go ask your grocer's produce person if he knows what part of Chili that pear just came in from. Instead, I mean that you should get on your bike or get in your car and go check out your local Farmer's Markets. But please don't stop there. Each of those farmers most likely live where they work and I find that they love to talk about their farms and what they're growing. So...
Find Out. Since you're at the Farmer's Market, now is the time to ask questions! If you've started a conversation with the owner of those fantastic heirloom veggies, why not ask them if their farm is open to the public? What, no Farmer's Markets in your area you say? Run a search on google to see if there are any local farms in your area. I'm fortunate enough to not only be sitting on a plethora of local farmers in Austin but I also have the pleasure of knowing many local food bloggers that truly walk-the-walk and talk-the-talk of living off of organic local food. This is the best reference list of all. Which brings me right up to the last one...
Hang Out! Once you are loaded down with all that amazing local food, invite some friends over to try it. Open up and share what you've learned from the farmers. Information is vital to knowing what's going into your body. Play some games like "Chopped" and give each of your guests a local treasure and ask them how they would use it, or start your own supper club. I hear they are all the rage these days. Make a point to buy at least one local item once a week. Start a small garden in a pot on your deck. The point is to get involved because, in the end, you can do diet after diet and watch your weight go up and down like a yo-yo and feel like you've accomplished nothing. Or, you can go right to the food source, eat healthy and live your life to its fullest - not to mention that walking around a farm is good exercise - I'm jus' sayin'!
If your local to Austin, check out some of these blogs with related info:
If your not in Austin but want to find local farmers in your area, check out this site.
Local Beet & Brussels Sprouts Salad
It's simply layered stacks of steamed, sliced beets, shaved-thin raw brussels sprouts, a slice of fresh mozzerella, fresh cracked pepper and a dressing I made out of dijon, lingonberry vinegar, olive oil and a few drops of creme fraiche drizzled in. (You can use any vinegar you like)